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CBD Oil Tincture: A Guideline for Beginners

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CBD Oil Tincture: A Guideline for Beginners

Once we dive into the Cannabis society, we hear about a few products more often than the others. CBD oil tincture is one of them! The therapeutic benefits of CBD and its risk-free nature account for all the hype behind its popularity. In the same way, products like CBD oil tincture win the hearts among all other CBD-based products because of their convenient usage and efficient mode of action. However, sound knowledge of your condition before giving a shot to a particular product is the best approach. That’s because some products work better under certain conditions as compared to the other products.

This article will look at the nature of CBD oil tinctures, their benefits, mode of action, and proper dosage. If you are looking forward to trying CBD-based oil tinctures, this article is for you!

What are CBD Tinctures?

CBD oil tinctures are one of the hot-selling CBD-based products in the CBD market. A CBD tincture is a thick liquid that comes in a tinted bottle like CBD oil. Nevertheless, tinctures are either glycerin-based or alcohol-based.

The alcohol-based extraction process is the key process for the production of CBD tinctures. Manufacturers use alcohol to extract Cannabis from the plant body in this case; even the finished product contains this high-proof alcohol.

The CBD oil tinctures that manufacturers base on alcohol contain about 60 to 70 percent alcohol. They have a longer shelf life, i.e., 1-2 years but possess a very bitter taste. Therefore, companies like to mix additives like sweeteners, vegetable glycerin, and flavorings to improve the product’s flavor. Depending on the product’s target, manufacturers might also add other ingredients like melatonin, vitamins, and herbal extracts.

Almost all CBD-based companies have put up CBD tinctures for sale in different potency values and forms. Although these tinctures offer several benefits, you should always be aware of all the aspects before purchasing. Follow the article to know all about CBD oil tinctures.

CBD Oil vs CBD Oil Tincture

Many people come up with the question that “Is a CBD tincture the same as CBD oil?” The answer is, “NO.” The concept of their being the same thing is nothing more than a general misconception.

We can’t deny that there are similarities between CBD oil and CBD tinctures, such that they are both thick liquids that come in tinted bottles. But, they differ from each other when it comes to composition. While CBD oil is simply a carrier oil like hemp-seed oil or coconut oil carrying the CBD extract, CBD tinctures are glycerin or alcohol-based. Hence, we can say that alcohol does the same thing for CBD oil tincture what the carrier oil does for the CBD oil.

Furthermore, you can easily mix CBD tinctures with foods and beverages because of their alcohol-based nature. Meanwhile, people can ingest CBD oil in the body through vaping.

The shelf-life of both substances gives rise to yet another difference. The shelf life of CBD oil tincture is much more than CBD oil because of its alcohol base.

Both products are very effective. If you’re curious about what product is better and more efficient, look at your condition since it’s your body that’ll determine it. They have almost the same effects, but people with alcohol sensitivity are more likely to go for CBD oil.

Related: CBD Oil Tincture vs Capsules: Differences & How to Choose the Best One?

How do I use a CBD Oil Tincture?

CBD oil tinctures are versatile when it comes to their usage methods. However, the best and most efficient way to consume a CBD oil tincture is to use it sublingually. The network of capillaries under the tongue absorbs the tincture in the blood in no time. Nonetheless, you can mix it in your food or drink for consumption as well.

One thing that you need to keep in mind while using a CBD oil tincture is that its topical application is useless. Therefore, if you want a CBD-based skincare solution, you should not go for CBD oil. Rather find a relevant CBD topical product.

Finding the Best Quality CBD Tincture

It’s wise to consider that the FDA doesn’t regulate CBD as it does in other drugs and supplements. Consequently, it’s you who needs to take the quality of the product under consideration. There are certain aspects that you can look at to ensure that you’re grabbing the right product. The first is the Certificate of Analysis (COA); you can consider it an essential requirement. For this reason, once you’ve found the company that provides the COAs of its products, look for the following things in a COA:

  • Look for the contaminants; consider it a red flag if they have not checked the product for the heavy metals and pesticides.
  • Check if the CBD concentration in the COA corresponds with that on the label.
  • The most recent COA is essential since one that older than a year can be misleading.

Above all, look if the company is transparent about its hemp-sourcing and manufacturing. Do check the reviews of the product by other consumers as the last shot.

Why Should I Use a CBD Oil Tincture?

CBD oil tincture is very efficient in eliciting all the therapeutic effects of CBD. They are of more excellent value as they offer faster results when used sublingually. This section will discuss all the perks of CBD tinctures in detail to make your decision-making easier.

CBD tinctures can be either Full-spectrum CBD, Broad-spectrum CBD, or CBD isolate based on their extraction methods. If you don’t want any other Cannabinoids or THC, CBD isolate-based tincture is a good choice. If it’s only the THC that bothers you, broad-spectrum is the way to go. However, Full-spectrum CBD is a blend of CBD, other Cannabinoids, a low concentration of THC, and terpenes. Studies have shown that CBD, THC, and terpenes work better together than alone.

A CBD oil tincture is thought to be a miraculous product among its users. As it may help enhance the quality of human life by offering the following benefits:

· Elevates Mood:

Mental health is one of the most prominent health issues worldwide. CBD tinctures fight against this issue by calming the nerves and relaxing the mind. That’s how tinctures help alleviate anxiety, depression, and other mental conditions.

· Fights against Epilepsy:

The CBD’s first and foremost effect that the FDA officially accepted was its action against epilepsy. Therefore, it has been the greatest gift for epilepsy patients as it controls and reduces seizures.

· Relieves Chronic Pain:

People who get affected with chronic pain often have reported that CBD works for them. It has shown excellent pain management skills in cancer patients. Various scientific studies now back up this benefit of CBD.

· Action against Inflammation:

Inflammation can be a significant cause and symptom of various diseases. It may be a result of muscle soreness, skin disease, GIT ulcers, and much more. Moreover, it can be a reason for continuous pain and irritation. CBD tinctures help reduce this inflammation that plays an essential role in pain management as well.

Besides helping humanity by evoking these significant effects, many consumers have reported other benefits that are as follows:

  • CBD helps people fight against drug addiction.
  • CBD tinctures enhance the performance and efficiency of athletes and sportspeople.
  • Furthermore, these tinctures are good at increasing lung capacity.
  • CBD efficiently works to regulate blood pressure.
  • It helps children with autism and people with glaucoma.
  • People with insomnia can use CBD for quality sleep.

How many drops of a CBD Tincture should I Take?

CBD tinctures always come in a dropper bottle. The label of the bottle usually mentions the concentration of CBD per drop. So it’s easy to figure out how much of a CBD tincture you are about to take.

Nevertheless, it would help to begin with a low dose that you’d gradually increase by observing your body’s reaction to the compound. Aren’t you curious about what happens if you use too much CBD oil or tincture? Apart from the rare risk factors, CBD is a safe substance, and the human body can tolerate a large amount of CBD very well. If you feel like some adverse side effects are surfacing up, check with your physician. Also, consider drug-drug interaction if you’re already on some medication.

This is a suggestive dosage guide chart by Green Flower Botanicals if you want to start from a higher dose. Consulting your physician or some Cannabis specialist for dosage is a better idea:

Condition Severity Bodyweight 31-60 lbs Bodyweight 61-100 lbs Bodyweight 100-175 lbs Bodyweight 175-250 lbs
1 (Mild) 2-4 mg 4-6 mg 6-8 mg 8-10 mg
2 4-8 mg 6-12 mg 8-18 mg 12-20 mg
3 (Medium) 8-12 mg 12-18 g 18-24 mg 22-30 mg
4 12-18 mg 18-24 mg 24-32 mg 32-40 mg
5 (Severe) 18-30 mg 24-40 mg 32-60 mg 42-60 mg


A CBD oil tincture is a perfect choice for those who are allergic to oils. Besides being the ideal and very efficient product, a CBD tincture offers all the therapeutic effects of CBD.

However, consult your doctor or a cannabis specialist before you start with a CBD tincture. Knowing the types of CBD tinctures and the conditions for which they work is also necessary to ensure maximum efficiency.

In the end, look for a reputable company that you can trust for your products. To say in other words, the reputation of the company will largely influence the effects of the product on the body. Once you’ve found it, voila, Give this miraculous product a very first shot and consequently, enjoy Mother Nature’s wonderful gift!

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