CBD Drug Test: What You Need to Know!

CBD oil has recently grown in popularity as more people become aware of its therapeutic advantages. CBD is a cannabinoid present in cannabis plants but does not have any euphoric high properties like THC. That makes CBD a popular choice for those looking for relief from various health conditions but don’t want to experience the “high” associated with marijuana. Despite the growing popularity, there is still much confusion related to CBD drug test. If you’re going to try CBD products but are worried about drug tests at your workplace, you’ve come to the right place.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating substance. Therefore, it shouldn’t trigger a positive result for conventional drug tests. Many CBD products include an insignificant amount of Delta-9 THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the main psychoactive component of marijuana. THC may show up on a drug test if there is enough of it present in your system. So, “Can you have enough THC in your system just by having CBD products that also have THC in it?” Well, we are going to answer that shortly.
Some other questions immediately come to new users’ minds are, “Does CBD show up on a drug test?” “Can you fail a drug test due to using CBD?” If so, how much CBD oil is required to cause a positive test result and so on.
This article will explore all the aspects of CBD and drug tests. We will also give you insights into “how typical drug tests work and how to avoid failing any such test”. Even if you are currently using CBD products.
Concerns With CBD & Drug Tests
CBD is well-known for its anecdotal therapeutic benefits. On the other hand, many people are hesitant to try CBD-based supplements due to the risk of failing a drug test. Random drug testing is common in some workplaces, and it’s not unusual for employers to demand that their employees pass those drug screenings. They usually check for traces of Schedule I and Schedule II substances in your body. For example, the DEA classifies marijuana (cannabis) as a Schedule I substance.
Since THC is the main psychoactive compound present in marijuana, drug tests specifically look at the presence of this phytocannabinoid compound in your body.
People oftentimes use marijuana to get “high” and feel the euphoria it can induce. And it can easily lead some people specifically those who are in their teenage years to use the compound in an uncontrolled manner.
Manufacturers usually extract CBD from hemp plants. Marijuana and hemp are two distinct cannabis plant species. THC concentrations in hemp plants are substantially lower than that is in marijuana. These trace quantities of THC can be eliminated in the manufacturing process to generate ‘THC-free CBD’ extract, which they market and distribute as ‘Broad Spectrum CBD’ and ‘CBD Isolate’.
Related: How to Choose A CBD Oil without THC in 2022.
Can CBD Show Up On Drug Tests
If we give you a straight answer to this question, we have to say, YES it can. However, it depends on the kind of CBD product you are using and the type of drug test you will face.
Industrial hemp-derived CBD products have a negligible amount of THC (Schedule I substance). Usually, this trace amount doesn’t always show up on typical drug tests.
Pure CBD itself cannot lead to a positive drug test result, yet certain CBD-based products or extraction procedures employed to isolate CBD might contain traces of THC – which can trigger a false positive.
In this situation, a smart option for you is to shift your CBD products of choice into CBD isolates or Broad spectrum. It’s worth mentioning that since CBD isolate has a high concentration of CBD but no detectable amounts of THC, it would not produce a positive test result. Whereas, broad-spectrum CBD products can give you the entourage effects.
In order to ensure extra peace of mind, you may buy some drug testing kits and give them a try at home.
Related: What Drugs Should Not be Taken with CBD?
What Is CBD?
CBD, aka cannabidiol, is a significant phyto (plant-based) cannabinoid in the cannabis Sativa plant. The cannabis Sativa plant contains more than 1000 phytocannabinoids and more than 80 biologically active molecules. CBD is found in hemp plants, with a lower (psychotropic compound) THC level than marijuana. Commercially available CBD products are usually manufactured from hemp and comprise no more than 0.3 percent THC by weight as they are not illegal under federal marijuana laws. However, CBD products are neither yet subjected to uniform testing nor required by law. As a result, numerous CBD products are tainted with THC, and the labels may not accurately indicate the actual THC concentration.
Different CBD Extracts: How Do They Differ?
People often think that all CBD is similar, but this isn’t true. There are three types of CBD extracts, and CBD can be sourced from different plants. It can also be processed to create three extract types. Understanding these different types of CBD extracts is very important to avoid any drug test failure.
CBD Isolate
The most secure type of CBD extract for individuals subjected to drug testing is CBD isolate, and that is the purest form of CBD extract you may get on the market. Pure isolated CBD doesn’t contain anything but CBD. Many CBD products on the market are made with pure isolated CBD, which doesn’t include any other plant compounds, such as THC or other cannabinoids.
CBD Full-Spectrum
The difference between CBD isolate and the full-spectrum extract is that the former contains only CBD while the latter includes all plant compounds. That’s why full-spectrum extract is also known as a whole plant extract. The full-spectrum CBD extracts have all of the plant components, such as CBD, THC, terpenes, flavonoids, fatty acids, and so on. According to The Federal Law, CBD Full-spectrum products can have 0.3 percent THC by weight.
Related: Full spectrum vs. Broad Spectrum CBD: What’s The Difference.
CBD Broad-Spectrum
Broad-spectrum CBD is the third one, in terms of CBD extract types. This particular kind is a reasonable balance between CBD isolates and Full-spectrum CBD. Unlike the full-spectrum type, the broad-spectrum extract contains all naturally occurring plant ingredients except for THC. All traces of THC are eliminated. That’s why broad-spectrum CBD is also known as CBD without THC. Products made from this type of CBD extract are called THC-Free CBD products.
People who are subjected to random drug testing should use CBD isolates or broad-spectrum CBD products. These two types of CBD extracts contain zero percentage of THC, unlike full-spectrum.
Related: What Exactly is Broad Spectrum CBD Oil | Explained.
CBD Derived From Hemp Vs Cannabis: What’s The Difference?
Identifying the source, whether from hemp or marijuana, is one of the most important factor when it comes to drug tests. CBD products derived from industrial hemp have a lot of distinctions from those coming from other sorts of cannabis, like medical-grade marijuana. It’s crucial to understand these differences when determining whether you can consume CBD without risking of getting a positive THC result.
One thing to keep in mind is that while industrial hemp-derived CBD products may have traces of THC, these levels are too low to produce a positive result when tested at work or in other places. Furthermore, the THC content of CBD derived from industrial hemp is substantially lower than that of other cannabis variants.
Because Delta-9-THC is an intoxicating compound, employers are more likely to test for it. That means that CBD products made from hemp are viewed very differently when it comes to drug testing and have the potential to produce a false positive in contrast to THC-rich products. The primary distinction between hemp-derived CBD and marijuana-based CBD is how each type is utilized by users.
Differences Between CBD And THC: What Does It All Mean?
The distinction between them is mainly a chemical one due to their differences in chemical structures. But both THC and CBD (the primary active component of cannabis) are cannabinoid family members.
THC and CBD are not chemically identical, and THC has a psychotropic effect, whereas CBD does not. Both chemicals are originated from CBGA, which is the same plant component. Cannabigerol acid (CBGA) is subsequently transformed into CBD or THC, depending on the enzyme that acts on it. The biosynthesis of tetrahydrocannabinol acid (THCA) synthase turns CBGA into THC and Cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) synthase transforming it to CBD.
So, CBD Is Hemp Or Marijuana?
Basically the flowering bud of the Cannabis Sativa or Indica plant is so called Marijuana, which is used recreationally or therapeutically and usually consumed by smoking it. CBD is not the same as hemp since hemp is a variety of Sativa L Cannabis plants.
The cannabinoids found in cannabis are decarboxylated (activated) to make them more potent, but cannabidiol is not. Cannabidiol, aka CBD, is a plant based component which can be obtained from any of the three plants mentioned above. However, hemp plants produce more extractable CBD than other marijuana plants.
The legality of CBD from hemp plants is questionable, while the legality of CBD from marijuana plants is certain. However, the CBD and THC concentrations are not equal, which could cause drug testing difficulties in the future.
How Much THC Is Required To Trigger A Positive Drug Test?
The detection time of THC in hair can range from 90 days and within three days to a month or longer in your urine, depending on how frequently the user consumes it. It may be detected in your saliva for up to 48 hours and in the bloodstream for up to 36 hours. But several factors may determine whether or not it shows up in a drug test:
- usage frequency
- THC concentrations levels
- metabolism of the body
- body hydration
The most frequently used and extensively researched type of drug testing is urinalysis or urine testing. Urine testing for drugs is well studied and can identify higher levels of narcotic or drug metabolite in the body than blood tests. If a urine test finds higher than 50 nanograms per milliliter THC, it is rated positive.
For recreational users, the THC in their bodies can stay for up to 10 days. For those who use cannabis moderately, it remains in their systems for 2–4 weeks following the last usage. It may remain in a user’s system for more than a month if they consume it heavily.
Is It Possible For CBD To Convert Into THC In The Body?
When exposed to an acidic environment, CBD may transform into THC. Some reports claim that this chemical change also happens in the stomach, which is acidic. In 2016, in-vitro research found that simulated gastric fluid can convert CBD to THC.
However, a 2017 study found that in-vitro conditions do not represent actual stomach circumstances, where a similar change does not appear to take place. The researchers in the 2017 study also said that none of the valid clinical studies available had reported CBD side effects comparable to those caused by THC.
What Type Of CBD Will Not Show On Drug Tests?
If you want to utilize CBD to improve your standard of life without jeopardizing your employment, there are a few things to know.
Pure or isolated CBD products, according to research, will not lead you to fail any drug testing. The study also discovered that CBD did not react with some of the most prevalent commercially available marijuana-screening tests.
Several CBD-rich products on the market are made using pure CBD, aka CBD isolate. This extract has been refined to eliminate any traces of THC and other plant chemicals, and the isolated CBD extraction process ends with a 99% pure CBD extract.
CBD isolate isn’t the only kind of CBD product available on the market. That makes matters a bit more complex, especially if you’re subject to random drug tests. Drug screenings that look for THC may sometimes generate positive test results in some cases.0.3 percent of THC or less is present in full-spectrum extracts, which are used to make various CBD products. It’s conceivable that traces have been found in your blood circulation system.
Does CBD Oil Have THC In It?
The active ingredient in marijuana, THC is highly traceable in drug tests causes positive results. The majority of people assume CBD oil is THC-free, and this is usually true. However, that isn’t always the case.
As it turned out, few CBD oil products do contain tiny amount of THC, depending on the source of the cannabis used to manufacture it. That list includes various CBD full-spectrum tinctures and some isolates of lower qualities. However, a full-spectrum CBD oil also contains additional active plant components, apart from CBD.
Will CBD Oil Show Up On A Drug Test?
While pure CBD does not cause a drug test to be positive, the CBD oil you consume may. The question here isn’t about CBD at all. But it’s all about THC, whether it is present or not. Some hemp-derived CBD extracts, for example, full-spectrum CBD oil, may contain up to 0.3% of THC, which may cause a drug test to come back positive.
Don’t worry, though; if you select a broad-spectrum CBD oil, you can escape such an unpleasant predicament.
How Could CBD Make You Fail A Drug Test?
There are multiple underlying reasons why CBD products may lead you to fail a drug test. That’s why it is crucial to conduct extensive research on a CBD product before purchasing it. Considering what you’re buying early in the process will drastically reduce the chances of CBD leading you to a drug test failure.
THC Is Present In Your Product
Utilizing a THC-containing CBD product is one of the main reasons CBD might cause you to test positive for THC. THC levels in full-spectrum CBD extracts can legally reach up to 0.3 percent. It’s possible that full-spectrum CBD can show up in a drug test if you take it frequently.
Potentially you might be using a CBD product that includes THC without even realizing it. There are trustworthy and respected CBD brands in the market. Eventually, some vendors merely try to take advantage of CBD’s high demand.
Low-quality CBD manufacturers fail to adequately examine their finished products before placing them on the market. As a result, you’re more likely to use a product that includes THC without even realizing it.
Incorrect Product Labeling
CBD is derived from hemp, which includes THC by nature. Legally approved CBD products, on the other hand, should not possess THC higher than 0.3 percent to comply with regulatory regulations. Since the authority barely monitors the CBD sector, low-quality CBD products sneak through the cracks. Even if a product isn’t THC-free or legal, it’s not unusual to be labeled as such. Instead of industrial hemp, several producers utilize CBD extracts acquired from marijuana, which has lower proportions of beneficiary cannabinoids but significant levels of THC.
Cross-Contamination Between Sources
There’s a danger that tiny amounts of THC in the extract may end up in the finished product if mismanaged. This trace amount might result in a positive drug test based on the dosage used. Cross-contamination isn’t a significant risk, but it’s something to be aware of. Cross-contamination is most likely to happen while buying CBD products from a cannabis shop, and it’s important to avoid contamination whenever possible.
THC Exposure From A Third Party
Secondhand or third-party THC exposure is also possible, just like tobacco smoke may expose you to dangerous chemicals. It’s not unusual for inadvertent marijuana exposure through secondhand smoke to result in a failed drug test.
If you’re in a place where many people use marijuana via smoking, you could breathe THC through the air. It is improbable that secondhand THC exposure would be detected in a urine or blood drug test. Nevertheless, it may be identified in a hair test.
CBD Oil Degradation In The Digestive System
In some cases, CBD oil that breaks down into very tiny amounts of THC in the stomach has generated false-positive test results, according to some sources. However, other studies have debunked this finding.
When “Impure CBD products” are ingested, residues of THC may still be retained in stomach acid, according to the study.
How Can You Confirm That A CBD Product Is THC-Free?
The most straightforward approach to avoid any THC-containing CBD product is to learn about it. It is simple to tell whether a product contains THC or not if you know where to look. Buying your first CBD product will be a snap once you understand what makes a high-quality CBD product.

Examine The Product Label
Look for the product label to determine the actual CBD type: i.e. pure CBD isolates, full-spectrum, or broad-spectrum. The product is very likely a CBD isolate if it says only “CBD” but doesn’t specify whether it’s a full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD product.
You may go with the broad-spectrum CBD rather than CBD Isolate for a hassle-free drug screening, as we discussed before. The broad-spectrum CBD also provides “the entourage effect” but in a THC-Free condition. So, you may easily reap the maximum therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids without any THC-related worries.
The Broad-spectrum CBD is totally THC-free, containing a broad range of other phytocannabinoids and terpenes. Switch to broad-spectrum CBD products to achieve maximum therapeutic effects. Plus, you won’t be wondering, “Does CBD show up on a drug test” again.
Verify THC Presence From Third-Party Lab Reports
Before you buy CBD from a company, be sure their products are safe to use. Having no third-party lab reports is a major warning sign. Never buy from a company that can’t back up what they’re selling with test reports from third-party labs.
THC is a legal CBD product that should be no more than 0.3 percent. In lab test reports, a full-spectrum CBD shouldn’t exceed 0.3 percent of THC. THC levels should be “ND” or non-detectable in isolate and broad-spectrum tests. Tests are usually organized by batch and product, making it simple to locate your required information.
Purchase From A Reliable Brand
CBD industry is like a lawless territory. You must trust that the brand and the products you’re buying from are genuine in their claim to be the very best. However, these are pretty difficult to verify or quantify in most cases. So you’ll have to read in between the lines to identify the sound source genuinely.
There are some essential indications of excellence that you can look for in top-notched CBD brands like MEDOSI. A reputable CBD brand may not feature all but should have enough to provide a genuine, safer, potent, well-rounded, practical, THC-free CBD oil.
Conduct Your Research
You should look out and try to analyze some key featuring terms while appraising the product, like:
- Updated reports from third-party lab testing
- Utilizing CO2 extraction process
- “Organically grown” Certified by USDA
- Free from pesticides or herbicides
- Locally sourced or grown in-house
- Followed sustainable farming
- Legal THC threshold
- Free of solvents
- Properly decarboxylated
- No additives present
- Contains zero preservatives
However, proving the authenticity of these statements will be challenging in many circumstances. The most efficient strategy is to search for any accessible lab test results relating to a given brand.
Related: What to Look for in CBD Oil: Avoidable Mistakes While Shopping.
Top Tips: How To Avoid A Drug Test Failure?
The good news is that, even though you are required to pass a drug test to get a license or employment, you can still profit from CBD products. The following are some of the most effective methods to prevent CBD from jeopardizing your career:
The encouraging fact is you may continue your regular CBD regimen without fear of failing a drug test. The followings are few basic tips you may follow to avoid a drug test failure if you are utilizing CBD:
- Conducting extensive research on CBD products to verify that they are of excellent quality, have been tested, and are manufactured by a reputable company.
- To assess the risk of cross-contamination, learn details about your products manufacturing processes.
- Examining the product’s certificate of analysis, which details the THC content.
- Incorporating only THC-Free products, either a broad-spectrum or isolated CBD
You may use CBD products confidently without jeopardizing your employment if you follow these guidelines. It’s recommended to look for alternatives if a product doesn’t come with a certificate of analysis (COA) or the supplier isn’t fair about what’s in it.
Your best alternative is to do your research on each product you’re considering purchasing. If you are subject to random workplace drug testing, you must stick to THC-Free products exclusively. To do so, you may select from CBD Broad-spectrum and Isolated CBD-based products as these two CBD types are free from THC. Take your time to carefully evaluate lab test findings and the manufacturer’s additional information.
Related: You can check our online store to buy premium grade CBD products without any worries!
What Dosage Of CBD Would Cause Me To Fail A Drug Test?
It’s important to remember that CBD isn’t the reason that leads you to fail a drug test. These conventional drug tests are not designed to look for CBD. Instead, they examine the urine or blood to find the traces of marijuana and its metabolites. You may test positive if the CBD product you’re consuming contains THC, such as full-spectrum extracts. It all varies on the source of the CBD, how much you used, how long you used it, and your metabolism. Other parameters, such as hydration levels, are also taken into account.
There is no quantity of CBD that will cause you to fail a drug test unless the test is specifically designed for CBD. The actual concern is whether or not your product includes THC.
The small amounts of THC present in a CBD oil may not be significant on their own. However, if you consume a full-spectrum CBD product regularly, your body can accumulate THC and test positive later.
The most fantastic approach to ensuring safety and obtaining the same advantages is broad-spectrum CBD oil. Broad-spectrum CBD oil is the most effective approach to ensuring safety while reaping similar benefits.
How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?
CBD’s effects may last up to 90 minutes or more. The duration length of CBD’s effects is determined by the ingested CBD extract type and the method of consumption.
Related: What Does CBD Make You Feel Like? | The Effects of CBD!
CBD is broken down and digested in the body when taken, resulting in CBD-COOH. This by-product resides in the body for several days. Typical Drug tests don’t look for CBD-COOH. On the other hand, what they’re searching for is THC-COOH.
How Long Can CBD Be Detected In Blood?
Blood tests aren’t often used, but they are occasionally utilized to look for illegal drugs like THC. There is no test designed explicitly for CBD detection, and unfortunately, this limits us to guessing based on THC.
In a 2012 research in the Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, THC was found in participants’ blood 3 to 4 hours after smoking cannabis. However, this does not mean CBD is completely gone from your system. CBD might remain in your bloodstream for multiple days to weeks, depending on a variety of criteria.
Is CBD Detectable In Hair For A Long Time?
Hair testing for THC is relatively uncommon, while CBD hair tests are not under the conventional method. There haven’t been any studies since researchers aren’t interested.
THC metabolites can be identified in follicle testing up to three months following the usage. The timescale for CBD, on the other hand, is unknown.
Related: How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System – Blood, Saliva, Urine, Body?
How Long Can CBD Be Detected In Urine?
According to one 2018 study, CBD has a two to five-day half-life. All of these imply that you’ll get rid of half the CBD within two to five days. This study is performed by from Frontiers in Pharmacology
We don’t know how long CBD can be detected in a theoretical test. Although THC might show up in urine from three days to a month, perhaps CBD could have a similar detection period. However, this subjects to a variety of factors, including dose, metabolism, body shape, fat levels, and so on.
How Do Drug Tests For Cannabis Work?
Urine tests for detecting illicit drugs, such as amphetamines, alcohol, cocaine, opiates, and cannabis, are pretty conventional. Urine tests are immunoassay procedures that use antinuclear antibodies to detect the presence of drugs or their metabolites. A test may, for example, check for THC and more than 80 metabolites in addition to the presence of other drugs.
If the antinuclear antibodies detect a substance, the test will be positive. Most of these tests employ preset drug concentration thresholds, which means test results will be harmful if the drug concentration is under the predefined level.
CBD Drug Test Related FAQs
Is It Possible To Test Positive For THC If You Overdosed On CBD?
Yes, it’s theoretically feasible, but it’s pretty implausible. Certain low graded CBD products may include lower levels of THC and other plant components. Excessive recurrent ingestion of highly contaminated CBD exceeding 200mg/day might result in microscopic levels of THC detection in hair.
A urine drug test for THC will detect a presence above 50mg/ml. That means the user must consume higher than 2,000mg of CBD product daily to match that detection level. 2,000mg CBD is just 2.5 times what a typical user would take is way more than necessary to get the desired benefits. Even this kind of CBD overdose might be done within a short time before the pee test to get positive for THC. This should be tested as an actual positive result instead of a false positive. In a nutshell, it’s highly unusual, but it’s conceivable. It should be emphasized that CBD derived from marijuana plants with high THC levels are unlawful to ingest or use.
Related: How Much CBD Oil Should I Take? | Complete CBD Dosage Guide!
CBD Usage Vs. THC Abuse: How To Tell The Difference?
The 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC (THC-COOH) is a THC metabolite that is more stable than the usual THC. When cannabis is taken in excessive doses, the body generates THC-COOH as the major metabolite (breakdown product) of THC. Cannabidiol does not cause the formation of THC-COOH, which is a by-product resulting from THC metabolism. As a result, the existence of THC-COOH can only be related to THC abuse, not CBD usage.
Is It Possible To Have A False-Positive Test Result?
False-positive findings are conceivable under certain conditions, but they are infrequent and require a string of events. Furthermore, keep in mind that the test report is not a false positive. But rather, it indicates the presence of low amounts of the drug in the system.
There are many distinct types of drug test analysis: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry or (GC-MS). The (GC-MS) is one of the only screening methods that can detect low levels of CBD and THC. In this procedure, a chemical solution is added to the sample to reveal which drugs have been consumed, called derivatization. The agents, and subsequently the reagents, create acidic conditions in which CBD may convert to THC, resulting in a positive drug test for a CBD user.
Reagent trifluoracetic anhydride (TFAA) is a hazardous solvent that can affect drug testing results in the presence of other chemicals. Laboratories should implement several testing procedures to prevent this unwanted event or forgo the agent trifluoracetic anhydride (TFAA). Fortunately, more sophisticated drug testing laboratories have abandoned (GC-MS) and are utilizing (RP-HPLC), a more efficient and reliable test. The tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) linked to a High-Performance Liquid Chromatography can tell you more about the different cannabinoids and quickly deliver results. (GC-MS) is still commonly employed for a broad range of drug testing. However, it sometimes lacks specific details, as seen in this case.
What’s In CBD Oil That May Lead To A Failed Drug Test Exactly?
THC, aka Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that creates the high is detected in drug tests. Even if a CBD oil is labeled THC-Free, it might contain trace amounts of THC. The FDA does not monitor these CBD products. Also, mislabeling of products is highly prevalent on the market.
Can Medical Marijuana Products Result In A Positive Drug Test?
Yes. You might test positive if the items included THC. If you’re planning on taking a drug test, stay away from full-spectrum CBD products that may consist of trace quantities of THC. Make sure you’re procuring from a reputable brand. Also, be aware of online vendors; according to studies, 21% of online CBD and hemp products are mislabeled.
Key Takeaway: CBD Drug Test
CBD is considered a non-psychoactive component in the hemp plant, which means that it should not show up on a drug test. However, CBD products are most often classified as supplements but they are not regulated for safety and quality. On the other hand, THC may and does get into the CBD, which might be tested for in a drug test depending on the test’s cutoff level and other variables we have discussed.
This is more probable, if you’re using cannabis-derived products instead of CBD derived from hemp. Because hemp-derived CBD must have less than 0.3% THC, it is federally legal. Even frequent moderate intake of high doses of this substance may lead to THC accumulation owing to its low concentration.
CBD products that are broad-spectrum have a lower risk of containing THC. The THC traces are eliminated in broad-spectrum CBD, in contrast to full-spectrum CBD, which includes all of the plant’s natural components. CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD and comes from hemp, so there’s no chance it will contain any THC traces.
If you want to pass a drug test, use only THC-Free CBD products. Again, if you are using it lawfully within your state’s regulations, declare it. However, it may still be tainted with THC unless it is procured by a trustworthy CBD brand like MEDOSI and guaranteed to be THC-free.